இன்னா தம்ம இவ் வுலகம்;

இனிய காண்க இதன் இயல்புணர்ந் தோரே.

( பக்குடுக்கை நன்கணியார்)

சாதலும் புதுவது அன்றே ; வாழ்தல்

இனிதென மகிழ்ந்தன்றும் இலமே.

(கணியன் பூங்குன்றன்)

Wednesday, 7 March 2018


Isabelle Huppert

Feelin proud and inspiring on seein these emerging women of the modern age. This year's second time oscar winner for the best supporting role actress Frances Mcdormand uttered a most controvercial n mysterical words 'Inclusive rider' among many other iron ladies like Meryl streep who smiled n exhaled. It creates ripples among the film fanatics like the very similar word ' Rosebud 'in the hollywood classic 'Citizen Kane'.

We ll just divert from pursuing the meaning of that word and look into the intense woman artists around the world.

Isabelle Huppert (Simran of france), intense actor of french cinema. Say for example, Michael haneke film 'La pianeste'(The piano teacher) must be the perfect one to demo her talent.

Vera Chytilova. Check republic's director. Her film, 'Daisies' was banned in her country. 'Faun's very late afternoon'- In this she exhibits the loneliness and longing for love of an insane man which resembles Bergman's 'Wild strawberries' and Kurasowa's 'Ikiru'.

Leni Riefenstahl. German director. Her shots especially in the documentary 'Olympics' creates an illussion n real life experience. She was blamed for her collaboration with the dictator Hitler during world war 2. At the age 100 she did her last film n died at 102.

Yulia Solnsteva. Actor. The great Soviet director Dovzhenko's wife. She had directed the classic 'Poem of the sea' which was written n partially directed by his husband. After he died she made the film. Lucky man Dovzhenko.

Indian women directors like Aparna sen (Mr.& Mrs.Iyer)and Deepa mehta are notable personalities.

Director Divya from tamilnadu who made us to smell the shit with her documentary 'Kakkoos'(Toilet) n thereby feel the pain of labourers of this upcoming digital india.

Amidst bunch of pseudo feminists and famophilics these female creators and artists make all the unbiased male artists to respect womanhood.

Come on ladies. Invent more such words. We are ready to walk naked holding your fingers to jump deeper into the unknown ocean of womanhood and let us try to feel your life.

Love you Ladies..🌹🤝


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